When l'm awfully low
When the world is cold
l will get a glow
Just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight
(Holly) You sounded great.
You may be surprised.
(April) l'm glad we have a catering job
this week. l'm low on money.
Yeah, we have Mr Morris Levine's
80th birthday on Riverside Drive,
or Riverside Memorial Chapel,
depending on his health.
Oh, listen. David called me up.
David called me last night.
He wants to take me to the opera.
- l didn't know what to say.
- You're joking.
No, he called late last night.
l, uh... l'm very surprised.
He wanted to take me to see Rigoletto.
- And you're going?
- Well, l didn't know what to say.
First l said no, but then he pressed it.
He said he'd taken you once
and he really wanted to invite me.
- But l'm seeing him.
- l know, l said that.
But he said it was something
he really felt like doing.
Gee, um...
l don't know what to say.
lt's just an evening at the opera.
Did l do wrong in accepting?
Why do you think that you would
like to convert to Catholicism?
Well, because l've gotta have something
to believe in, or life is meaningless.
l understand, but why did you make the
decision to choose the Catholic faith?
First of all because it's
a very beautiful religion
and it's a strong religion.
lt's very well structured.
l mean the against-school-prayer,
pro-abortion, anti-nuclear wing.
So at the moment
you don't believe in God?