First l said no, but then he pressed it.
He said he'd taken you once
and he really wanted to invite me.
- But l'm seeing him.
- l know, l said that.
But he said it was something
he really felt like doing.
Gee, um...
l don't know what to say.
lt's just an evening at the opera.
Did l do wrong in accepting?
Why do you think that you would
like to convert to Catholicism?
Well, because l've gotta have something
to believe in, or life is meaningless.
l understand, but why did you make the
decision to choose the Catholic faith?
First of all because it's
a very beautiful religion
and it's a strong religion.
lt's very well structured.
l mean the against-school-prayer,
pro-abortion, anti-nuclear wing.
So at the moment
you don't believe in God?
No, and l want to. l'm willing to do
anything. l'll dye Easter eggs, if it works.
l need some evidence.
l gotta have some proof.
lf l can't believe in God,
then l don't think life is worth living.
- lt means making a very big leap.
- Yes, well, can you help me?
(wailing) Why? Oh, my God!
l don't understand.
l thought you'd be happy.
- How can we be happy?
- Because l never thought of God before.
- Now l'm giving it some thought.
- Catholicism? Why not your own people?
Because l got off to a wrong foot with
my own thing. l need a dramatic change.
- You're gonna believe in Jesus Christ?
- l know it sounds funny, but l'll try.
- But why? We raised you as a Jew.
- Just cos l was born that way...
- l'm old enough to make decisions.
- But why Jesus Christ?
- Why shouldn't you become a Buddhist?
- That's totally alien to me.
You're old. Aren't you afraid of dying?
- Why should l be afraid?
- Cos you won't exist.
- So?
- That doesn't terrify you?
Who thinks about such nonsense?
When l'm dead, l'll be dead.