Sounds like you're a man of experience.
What the fuck's that mean, grunt-shit?
It means be advised
that I'm mean, nasty and tired.
I eat concertina wire and piss napalm...
...and I can put a round through a flea's ass
at two hundred meters.
So go hump somebody else's leg,
mutt face, before I push yours in.
You aren't going to be so smart with
your balls stuffed in your mouth, jarhead.
Hang onto this, boy.
I think war's just been declared.
Just sit there and bleed for a while
before you taste some real pain.
Maybe first I carve me some faggot wings.
Kill him.
Then again,
there was this dusky gal in Bangkok...
...a real crossway breezer, I swear.
Thank you for your testimony,
Officer Reese.
Sergeant Highway.
Drunk and disorderly...
...fighting in a public establishment...
...urinating on a police vehicle.
It seemed like the thing to do, sir.
Just because there's no war going on...
...it doesn't give you the right
to start one every time you get drunk.