I have to go tell someone
that I'm leaving.
- You here With a date?
- No. My friend. An editor.
Excuse me.
I'm gonna go have a drink With him.
My Wife's name Was Kimberley.
One of the very first Kimberleys.
My husband had hamsters.
- Me too.
- Not as a groWnup you didn't.
He had hamsters
named Arnold and Shirley.
And he Was alWays Whipping up little
salads for them in the Slice-O-Matic
and buying them
extremely small sWeaters
at a pet boutique in Rego Park.
Also, there Was a certain amount
of talking in squeaky voices.
Both of you?
Well, he Was Arnold...
...and I Was Shirley.
My sister alWays used to
try to get me to have one.
A nose job.
I love your nose.
Well, it goes With my face.
I alWays say that, but it isn't true.