- What for?
- Socks.
Hello, this is Rachel Samstat.
Well, obviously it's me.
I mean, Who else could it be?
It's my tape recorder.
And it's May 16th, and I'm here
in the kitchen With Annie.
Why don't you say something
to the folks back home, Annie.
A Word? Oh, my God.
I got it on tape.
Oh, you big...
Julie's idea of romance, OK?
I'll tell you. You ready?
She's got this flannel nightgoWn
that she puts on.
It's got this stuff across the top.
What is it?
- Rickrack.
- Rickrack, exactly. Right.
- And these bedroom slippers...
- With bunnies on them.
Right. So she puts on the nightgoWn
and the slippers,
and she gets into bed on Monday night
With the magazines
- and a boWI of lima beans, right?
- Yes, yes.
Hi, darling. Bye.
And noW, Arthur's idea of
romance is Venice, gondolas...
- Gondolas.
- Oh, oh, yes, of course.
I love my flannel nightgoWn.
Oh, I'm so happy.
Who kneW West Virginia
Was so beautiful?
I think We should take
this place every summer.
- Definitely.
- Mark goes into toWn,
goes to the dentist. He conducts his
search for the perfect pair of socks.
He comes home and says,
"What've you been doing?"
And I say, "Oh, not much, you knoW.
Today We found a frog."
Here's a riddle for you.
There's 200 million people in America.
A hundred million of them are men.
They lose four socks a year,
I lose ten myself.