- And these bedroom slippers...
- With bunnies on them.
Right. So she puts on the nightgoWn
and the slippers,
and she gets into bed on Monday night
With the magazines
- and a boWI of lima beans, right?
- Yes, yes.
Hi, darling. Bye.
And noW, Arthur's idea of
romance is Venice, gondolas...
- Gondolas.
- Oh, oh, yes, of course.
I love my flannel nightgoWn.
Oh, I'm so happy.
Who kneW West Virginia
Was so beautiful?
I think We should take
this place every summer.
- Definitely.
- Mark goes into toWn,
goes to the dentist. He conducts his
search for the perfect pair of socks.
He comes home and says,
"What've you been doing?"
And I say, "Oh, not much, you knoW.
Today We found a frog."
Here's a riddle for you.
There's 200 million people in America.
A hundred million of them are men.
They lose four socks a year,
I lose ten myself.
That's 400 million missing socks.
Missing forever. Where are they?
Nobody ever sees them again.
You'd think you'd run into one
of them every once in a While.
They're in heaven.
You die, go to heaven,
and they give you this big box
With all your missing socks
and mufflers in it.
And you get to spend
eternity sorting it out.
And Why is there only one shoe left
in the road? Where is the other shoe?
Why is the cold Water
in the bathroom alWays colder
than the cold Water in the kitchen?
- Mark, for God's sake.
- What?
It's not even lunch, and you rip
the leg off the chicken?
Are you planning
on photographing it?
Oh, come on.
You don't even like dark meat.
Well, I Won't have any lunch, OK?
Just subtract it
from my share, OK?
This isn't
your mother's house,