We do all the work
even though everyone uses the water.
Cleaning the tank twice a year
won't kill you!
What with this sand,
if we want clean drinking water...
Better for vegetables, too.
It's not sticky.
It looks like clay, but it's not clay.
It's bauxite powder.
A mixture of iron and aluminium.
I wonder where it's from.
The spring deposits it here after big
storms, but it doesn't reach the village.
The morning after a rainy night,
my spring water's the colour of rust.
It is rust: it's iron oxide.
- Then it's not harmful.
- No, it's beneficial.
Where is your spring
in relation to this tank?
What do you mean?
Is it higher up or lower down?
It's hard to say.
I think the Romarins spring is higher up.
The village water must come from
here and follow the same course.
- It's ten o'clock.
- I said I'd have the water on by noon!
That's two hours away.
But it takes an hour for it
to reach the village.
Much though I enjoy your company,
I have to see the mayor.
Don't keep him waiting!
Hey! Someone's throwing stones!
I saw a flash of lightning!
At ten o'clock?
You must have started drinking early.