The morning after a rainy night,
my spring water's the colour of rust.
It is rust: it's iron oxide.
- Then it's not harmful.
- No, it's beneficial.
Where is your spring
in relation to this tank?
What do you mean?
Is it higher up or lower down?
It's hard to say.
I think the Romarins spring is higher up.
The village water must come from
here and follow the same course.
- It's ten o'clock.
- I said I'd have the water on by noon!
That's two hours away.
But it takes an hour for it
to reach the village.
Much though I enjoy your company,
I have to see the mayor.
Don't keep him waiting!
Hey! Someone's throwing stones!
I saw a flash of lightning!
At ten o'clock?
You must have started drinking early.
I swear I've had only a coffee!
It's my knife.
I lost it in the hills a few days ago.
- Around here?
- No. I've never been here before.
- That's very odd.
- It's a gift from the goatherd.
- Which goatherd? Do you mean Manon?
- Yes, the hunchback's kid. Who else?
- Is she hiding up there?
- She'll have run away.
Too bad! I'd like to thank her.
- Some other time!
- Thank her with a little kiss.
It's odd. After all that talk,
I dreamt about her the other night.
- In my dream, I kissed her.
- Did she let you?
In my dreams
women rarely resist me.