Name der Rose, Der

You're not in need
of anything?

No, thank you.
Well... then I...
I bid you peace.
I'm sorry to see that
one of your brethern...

has recently been gathered
unto God.

Yes, a terrible loss.
Brother Adelmo was one
of our finest illuminates.

- Not, Adelmo of Otranto?
- You knew him?

No, but I knew and
admired his work.

His humor and comic
images were almost infamous.

But he was said to be very young.
Ah, yes! Very young indeed.
An accident, no doubt.
Yes, as you say, an accident.
Well... that is I...
Brother William...
may I speak to you candidly?
You seem anxious to do so.
When I heard you were coming
to our abbey...

I thought it was an answer
to my prayers.

I said: "Here's a man who has the
knowledge both of the human spirit...

and of the wiles of the evil one."
Brother Adelmo's death
has caused much...

spiritual unease
upon my flock.

This is my novice, Adso.
The youngest son of the
Baron de Melk.

Please, do continue.
We found the body
after a hail storm...

horribly mutilated...
bashed against a rock at the
foot of the tower...
