Name der Rose, Der

Well... that is I...
Brother William...
may I speak to you candidly?
You seem anxious to do so.
When I heard you were coming
to our abbey...

I thought it was an answer
to my prayers.

I said: "Here's a man who has the
knowledge both of the human spirit...

and of the wiles of the evil one."
Brother Adelmo's death
has caused much...

spiritual unease
upon my flock.

This is my novice, Adso.
The youngest son of the
Baron de Melk.

Please, do continue.
We found the body
after a hail storm...

horribly mutilated...
bashed against a rock at the
foot of the tower...

under a window which was...
How should I say this?

- which was...
- which was found closed.

- Somebody told you?
- Had it been found open...

you would not have spoken of spiritual unease,
you would have concluded that he'd fallen.

Brother William...
the window cannot be opened...
nor was the glass shattered.
Nor is there any access
to the roof above.

I see. Because you cannot
find a natural explanation...

your monks suspect the presence
of a supernatural force.

That's why I need the counsel of
an acute man such as you.

Acute in uncovering and
prudent, if necessary...

in covering up before
the papal delegates arrive.

Surely you know I no longer deal
in such matters.

I'm reluctant to burden
you with my dilemma, but...
