No Mercy

Stupid idiot.
You shut the fuck up!
Well, you lead the way, okay?
And after you die, I have
a dead man hanging on my arm!

Look! Listen to me.
When I die, it'll be
on Chicago concrete.

You got it?
-Now, fucking move.
-Let go.

Stop! You're hurting me.
I wanna know what happened.
I wanna know why you and your
boyfriend set up Deveneux.

And what you get
for killing a man.

I wanna know how
you killed my partner.

-Who's your boyfriend?
-He's not my boyfriend.

-Who is he then?
-He runs Algiers.

Runs Algiers?
What the hell is that?

I belong to him.
No shit. What does that mean?
What do you think?
I think it means Losado
got himself a two-bit hooker.

When I was 1 3, Mama took me to Losado.
He gave her a house
and some money.

And I was his.
I was given to him.

Every hooker's got
a hard-luck story.

That's a real prizewinner, that one.
I don't care if you don't believe me.
You don't matter!

I matter a whole lot, lady.
You're going to jail,
and your boyfriend's gonna die.
