Jesus Christ!
I can't stand these anymore.
Help me get them off.
You're tough.
Why don't you gnaw it off?
Give me the key. I can't go anywhere.
Give me the key.
I wish I could.
I lost it in the river.
I've got to get them off.
They won't get off.
-I can't stand it!
-You're gonna hurt yourself.
Get them off!
I've gotta get away from you!
Hold it!
You're gonna hurt yourself!
Now shut up!
Damn boat!
Stupid idiot.
You shut the fuck up!
Well, you lead the way, okay?
And after you die, I have
a dead man hanging on my arm!
Look! Listen to me.
When I die, it'll be
on Chicago concrete.
You got it?
-Now, fucking move.
-Let go.
Stop! You're hurting me.
I wanna know what happened.
I wanna know why you and your
boyfriend set up Deveneux.
And what you get
for killing a man.
I wanna know how
you killed my partner.
-Who's your boyfriend?
-He's not my boyfriend.
-Who is he then?
-He runs Algiers.
Runs Algiers?
What the hell is that?
I belong to him.
No shit. What does that mean?
What do you think?
I think it means Losado
got himself a two-bit hooker.
When I was 1 3, Mama took me to Losado.