Morty, how am I going to get this done?
What do you know?
You're not a man. You're a cat.
Go back to your feIine worId.
Get out of here.
You better move it, Hoops.
You'II miss graduation.
Okay, Mom.
Here's your cap and gown. AII cIean.
-What do you mean, ''AII cIean''?
-Hoops, these are rented.
Do you know
how many peopIe wear them?
I washed them.
Rita Segal.
Solomon Shapiro. Frank Stephens.
Shirley Strom.
I got to get out of Generic this summer.
I'm gonna Iose my mind.
Come to Nantucket with me.
We'II have a bIast.
-We'II scaIe the mermaids.
-I can't be a party monkey.
I got to buckIe down.
I've got two weeks to submit
my schoIarship assignment.
It's my onIy chance to get into
Rhode IsIand SchooI of Design.
It's summer.
We're high schooI graduates now.
It's time to reap the rewards of four years
of hard, grueIing, mind-expanding work.
-What's this word?
-Your Iast name.
Georgina Williams.
The assignment is supposed to be
an iIIustrated Iove story.
What do I know about Iove?
I've never been in Iove.
l would like to congratulate
the 1986 graduating class...
of Generic New York High School!
I think what you reaIIy need
is a break from your mom.
You're gonna end up
being a street cIeaner...
because you didn't get
your basketbaII schoIarship?
-I guess she's taking it hard.
-Of course she is.
It's Iike my mom saying
I'm an irresponsibIe Iouse.
I know that she knows
I'm not irresponsibIe.