We're gonna work part-time
as security guards on the set.
Stork twins!
You guys got the day off from the garage?
No, we're doing a job.
-We're picking up a boat.
-Whose boat is it?
-You touched my car.
You touched my car!
Right! Let me get it cIean, then!
You touched it again!
Don't ever touch my car again, ever!
Don't touch my car ever again!
Teddy, honey,
can we go pick up your boat?
Remember? Your new boat?
Ty, bring in the Stork twins!
Come here.
I wouId've come anyways.
-Now move that tow truck!
-Let's go! HustIe!
That is some tuna.
The high schooI graduates are here.
Look who it is.