Remember? Your new boat?
Ty, bring in the Stork twins!
Come here.
I wouId've come anyways.
-Now move that tow truck!
-Let's go! HustIe!
That is some tuna.
The high schooI graduates are here.
Look who it is.
My pride and joy.
There's my IittIe girI.
Look what Grammy bought for you.
WouId you Iike
some nice miIk and cookies?
Come on, Grammy wiII show you
where we go.
Nice meeting you, too.
-She's nuts about me.
You got to meet my UncIe Frank.
$1 million!
This is it. We guarantee it.
This is your summer to win!
Keep it here and listen for this jingle:
95.5 FM. Music-money time.
lf you, yes, you, are our fiftieth caller...
$1 million is all yours!
That's right. $1 million.
UncIe Frank.
Georgie, what the heII
are you doing in here?
StiII at it.
God, wouId you get out of here?
You think I'm pIaying games?