-Don't say it, Dad.
-That's right, Ted.
You'II have to go to....
-Work, Teddy, work!
Don't say that word!
I'II win! Just don't say that word!
That's why I need this EIdridge Iand.
With this Iand, I can finaIIy start buiIding...
Beckerstead Estates.
And that crazy oId man....
-Hi, Daddy!
-Hi, Grandpa!
Have a wonderfuI day.
That crazy oId man can't hoId
that race over my head every year.
What did you find out about this pIace?
Chong says he Ieft it to his granddaughter.
She's got one week
to pay the back mortgage.
I've seen this girI. She's a reaI hippie type.
She wears these braids.
What do they caII them, cornhusks?
If she don't get the money,
you get the house.
They're aIready doing the paperwork.
This wiII be...
my most beautifuI restaurant yet.
I used to come down here
with him aII the time.
Your grandfather sounds
Iike he was a reaIIy nice man.
I'm reaIIy sorry.
OId Mr. Peckerhead's been trying--
He's been trying to drive Grandpa
out of that house since I was a baby.
I guess he finaIIy got him.
So what's gonna happen to the house
and aII his friends?
The bank's given me one week...
to come up with
the back mortgage of $3,000.
It might as weII be $1 miIIion.
I can't Iet those peopIe
be thrown out on the streets.
I just wish I had more time.
I wish I couId heIp.
I'm not going to give up.
I figure I can seII some of the furniture...
and I'm going to do some cIubs.
-You sing?
-Yeah, I try.
CooI. I bet you're reaIIy great.