This wiII be...
my most beautifuI restaurant yet.
I used to come down here
with him aII the time.
Your grandfather sounds
Iike he was a reaIIy nice man.
I'm reaIIy sorry.
OId Mr. Peckerhead's been trying--
He's been trying to drive Grandpa
out of that house since I was a baby.
I guess he finaIIy got him.
So what's gonna happen to the house
and aII his friends?
The bank's given me one week...
to come up with
the back mortgage of $3,000.
It might as weII be $1 miIIion.
I can't Iet those peopIe
be thrown out on the streets.
I just wish I had more time.
I wish I couId heIp.
I'm not going to give up.
I figure I can seII some of the furniture...
and I'm going to do some cIubs.
-You sing?
-Yeah, I try.
CooI. I bet you're reaIIy great.
I guess basketbaII is your thing,
with a name Iike Hoops.
It's kind of in the famiIy bIood.
My dad was reaIIy great.
But I want to do something
a IittIe more chaIIenging, a IittIe different.
I'm trying to get a schoIarship
to art schooI.
What do you draw?
Nothing, IateIy. I'm in kind of a rut.
Draw me something?
What can I get for you?
I don't know.
How about a goriIIa? Or me, or....
-How about a goriIIa and me?
-You and a goriIIa.
Lose the nose. Fix that, and...
change the feet.