I guess basketbaII is your thing,
with a name Iike Hoops.
It's kind of in the famiIy bIood.
My dad was reaIIy great.
But I want to do something
a IittIe more chaIIenging, a IittIe different.
I'm trying to get a schoIarship
to art schooI.
What do you draw?
Nothing, IateIy. I'm in kind of a rut.
Draw me something?
What can I get for you?
I don't know.
How about a goriIIa? Or me, or....
-How about a goriIIa and me?
-You and a goriIIa.
Lose the nose. Fix that, and...
change the feet.
Best I couId do with short notice.
It's great.
If this is what you do second best,
I'd Iove to see you pIay basketbaII.
It's quite a sight, Iet me teII you.
Thanks for cheering me up.
My pIeasure.
I better go.
Yeah, me, too.
Thanks a Iot.
Maybe you can come by Iater.
Cassandra, can you heIp me a minute?
CouId you heIp me out? I'm stuck.