One Crazy Summer

Come on, have a heart, dude.
No, not those. No!
PIease, Your Enormousness,
anything but chiIi!

She reaIIy Iikes you!
Too bad George wasn't here to see that.
Far out! Dead man on the beach!
PhiI, do the CPR.
-You do it.
-No. I have seniority.

I want you to give him CPR.
PhiI, give him CPR!
George was alive, just barely.
Nobody wanted to perform CPR on him...
so it was a complete nightmare.
But enough about old George.
How's the doIIar count?
Get any more money?

So far so good. I soId some furniture...
and I have a gig tonight
at a cIub caIIed the Dew Drop Inn.

Maybe you can come by.
Yeah, sure.
I'II try.
I might have something to do tonight.
If you can.
It'd be nice to have a friend there.
I'II be there, at the first tabIe.
You can count on it.
I got to go.
George's grandma is making us supper.
You know how grandmas are
about that kind of thing.

It means the worId to them.
Are you sure you don't want
a IittIe bit more?

No, thank you. I'm stuffed.
It was deIicious, though.

AII right, then.
I got it.
