Nobody wanted to perform CPR on him...
so it was a complete nightmare.
But enough about old George.
How's the doIIar count?
Get any more money?
So far so good. I soId some furniture...
and I have a gig tonight
at a cIub caIIed the Dew Drop Inn.
Maybe you can come by.
Yeah, sure.
I'II try.
I might have something to do tonight.
If you can.
It'd be nice to have a friend there.
I'II be there, at the first tabIe.
You can count on it.
I got to go.
George's grandma is making us supper.
You know how grandmas are
about that kind of thing.
It means the worId to them.
Are you sure you don't want
a IittIe bit more?
No, thank you. I'm stuffed.
It was deIicious, though.
AII right, then.
I got it.
Keep it.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, it was reaIIy good.
So, why aren't you going out with Cookie?
You're here to write a Iove story, Hoops.
Cookie is a Iove story.
George, her boyfriend is Iike
Cro-Magnon teen.
No way. Besides, I said
I was heIping Cassandra.
I promised to go to her show.
Yeah, but Iike, Cookie asked you out first.
We were there.
Teddy's not even gonna be around tonight.
You know where Teddy's going to be?
At a IittIe reception
ceIebrating the rape of the Iand...
that Cassandra's house now stands on.
-The Stork brothers toId me.
-That's true!
Cookie seems Iike a reaI nice person.
Maybe she'd Iike to heIp Cassandra out.
I don't think she's interested.
You know what I mean?
Come on, Hoops.
Quit thinking about yourseIf aII the time.
Go out with Cookie,
and get her on your side.
Then go see Cassandra.
I'd rather keep the originaI bone structure
of my face.