Okay. Here you go.
Okay, Hoops, come on.
Come on.
If you don't mind, I'd Iike to get back
to beating the shit out of these guys.
-I wouIdn't do that if I were you.
-Why? You know Karate?
No. I know Dow.
What is Dow?
Dow is the chemicaI company
that makes Mace.
Cassandra, wait up a minute. Come on!
I'm reaIIy sorry about that.
Thanks for saving us.
It's no big deaI, McCann.
I guess we're even.
-No, not yet. Be patient.
Hello, ladies. l am here for your daughters.
So, you finaIIy toId the Führer no?
How'd it go?
He threw me out.
Don't worry about it, man.
You can stay at my grandmother's house.
She's got room and reasonabIe rates...
-if you're not in the famiIy.
-Thanks, George.