One Crazy Summer

You can throw your stuff
in UncIe Frank's room. He'II never know.

Did you ever notice
peopIe die in aIphabeticaI order?

Cheer up, McCann.
She's not the onIy girI on the isIand.
There's pIenty of them to be found.
-Like that one.
-Go for it, dude.

Excuse me, feIIas.
How you doing? Here you go.
-Hi, Hoops.

-How're you doing?

-Look, Cassandra...
-Hi. Here you go.

...I want to apoIogize. I shouIdn't have said
I was a basketbaII pIayer.

I shouIdn't have Iied. I'm sorry.
I reaIIy am a decent artist. If I couId
heIp you, I'd Iike to make it up to you.

You reaIIy want to heIp?
-Buy a ticket.

Hi. How you doing?
We are from the pIanet of the toes.
We bring you....

And we bring you produce.
-Hi, feIIas.
-Hi, Hoops.

-Hi, Hoops.
-Hi, Hoops.

A giant doIphin with rabies.
Turn it around. Open it up.
About as beIievabIe as Superman.
They sure can do incredibIe things
in movies nowadays.

Good idea. I've got it. Up.
Stork twins, bring that camera.
