Bet it pumps out about
300 decibels, huh?
- Did you do this?
- I'm not sure.
I was just using your powder room
and I decided not to disturb you,
so I was gonna go out the back door,
but I must have touched somethin'.
- How'd you get in here?
- Are you mad?
Yes, I'm mad! There are
public bathrooms everywhere!
I'm not nine, Andie. I know that.
It's the end of the month.
They're out of toilet-seat covers.
- Blane, what are you doing?
- Hey, buddy. Nothin'. Hangin' out.
- What are you shopping for? Records?
- I guess.
- Find anything?
- No, not really.
Are we gonna shoot some trap or
what? If we are, we gotta shake it.
I don't have any place to go. I like
coming here. Excuse me very much.
OK. I'm sorry for getting mad at you.
I gotta get back. See you later.
This is a shitty alarm system! I opened
the door five times before it rang.
That's it! I'm leaving.
I'm not gonna stay here. No! No way!
Hi. It's 6.05. Duckie Dale. Give me a call.
6.15. Duckie Dale again. Call me, OK?
Andie, where are you? This is the Duck.
Give me a call, OK?
It's 6.28...
Please call. Please, please, please.