Daddy, it's 7.30!
Daddy, it's 7.30!
Daddy, wake up!
Morning, Daddy. Come on, wake up!
Wake up! Come on, wake up.
- There's your coffee right there.- Where am I?
Here, I want you to drink this.
Then take a shower and get dressed.Your clothes are there.
Then I want you to see the womanabout the job. Today. You promised.
I know. What would I do withoutyou nagging me all the time?
You really want me to answer that?
Yeah, I've been gettin' in kinda latelately. We haven't had a chance to talk.
Don't worry about it.There hasn't been a lot to say.
- Is everything all right with you?- Yeah.
- Is school good?- No, but it never is.
- Have you been asked to the prom?- No. Not yet.
When was the last timeI told you how beautiful you are?
About yesterday.
- Turn around.- What?
You know what. Let me see this outfit.
- Is this your latest creation?- This is it.
My God, what did that cost you?
About $15 for the shoes, second-hand,and I made the rest.
I was thinking maybe thatyou could do something with this.
- Maybe put some ruffles here...- Come on, get up!
Really, I mean it.This means a lot to me.
I am perfectly happywith what I'm doing.