Pretty in Pink

But it's no big deal.
Listen, do you wanna go out Friday?
- Yeah?
- Sure.

Yeah? OK!
- Seven o'clock OK?
- Yeah, that's fine.

Great. Where do you live?
I'll pick you up.

- Where do you live?
- No, I'm sorry.

I'll be working on Friday,
so just pick me up at the mall.

- OK.
- OK.

- Bye.
- See you.

Hey, Blane. How you doin'?
Hey, buddy. What's up?
- What are you up to?
- Not much, going to class.

Well, I saw you outside.
- So?
- So, what were you doing?

What are you? My mother?
Come on, I gotta go. I'll see you later.

- Blane, what's goin' on?
- Nothing.

Well, not nothing. I saw you talking
to that chick, what's her name, Eddie?

- So what do you care?
- My best friend is talking to a mutant.

I'm curious.
That's no reason to get defensive.

I'm not defensive.
I just happen to like her, all right?

Listen, all right. It's your life.
It's none of my business.

You really don't think
she's got something?

No. I really don't. I'm sorry.
You're gonna be late, buddy.
The Warsaw Pact was a treaty
signed by the Soviet Union

and seven East European satellites.
What it did was it...
it established a mutual
defence organisation as...

What? What, what? Well, what'd I put?
You wrote "The Warsaw Pact is the
pact that was named after Warsaw."

The teacher'll know you're bullshitting.
