I can't believe I actually
associate with these people.
I can't believe that I'm actually here.
- Pretty bad, yeah?
- Yeah, it's pretty bad.
I'm sorry.
Let's go upstairs, huh?
Come on.
I didn't come here to get you off.
That was not my idea.
That's not what I meant.
I haven't even tried to kiss you, have I?
Look, it's quieter up there, OK?
Come on. These hands will remain
in these pockets, I swear to God.
Look at me here. Come on.
I'm utterly defenceless.
And utterly foolish. Come on.
- What do you think of these carpets?
- They're fab.
This is gonna be great.
- Hey, Blane.
- Steff.
- How you doin'?
- All right.
- I'll get another room.
- No, come on in.
I'm just watching some 'toons here.
Who you got with you here, Blane?
Andie, this is Steff. Steff, Andie.
It's very nice to meet you, Andie.
Listen, you wanna come sit down?
Or you want the bed?
No! No, we're fine.
Come and have a drink.
Can I get you something?
This is my last serious party
of my high school career.
Hope you guys are gonna tough it out
until Sunday when my folks get home.
I think this one may just finally
kill the old son of a bitch, Blane.
Another giant step away from virginity.
You're a slut, aren't you, Benny?