- I'm just overreacting, aren't I?
- Not necessarily.
I mean, a good kiss
can scramble anybody's brain.
Look, just don't worry about it.
Wait and see how you feel tomorrow.
- Good night.
- Good night. Thanks.
That's my baby.
Wait a minute.
Could I ask you something?
Sometimes I feel a little sorry
that I'm the one you have
to talk to about these things.
I'm not. She couldn't have
said it any better than you.
- I mean it.
- Good night.
OK, make my day.
I want all the gory details.
The mingling breath, the pounding
heart, the steamy windows.
I want the whole scoop.
I hate to disappoint you,
but nothing happened.
Well, not nothing. I mean, I kissed him.