Feel any better
if I asked you to the prom?
I know the prom's kinda lame, so if
you don't wanna go, it's no big deal...
Hey! What?
It happened. He asked me.
- And?
- I accepted.
Well, congratulations.
No more moping around the house
waiting for the telephone to ring.
So, are you in love?
- Yeah, I think I am.
- Well, who is this guy?
His name's Blane, and he's a senior.
He's so beautiful.
He's a richie.
- A what-ie?
- A richie. It's kinda stupid.
It's just his family has a lot of money.
- Well, is that a problem?
- I don't know, it's just weird.
His friends have a lot of money
and he has a lot of money.
He drives a BMW.
I just... I don't know... I'm not
really sure if they're gonna accept me.
What does that mean?
You like him, he likes you.
What his friends think
shouldn't make a difference.
Yeah, but it's my friends too.
It's everybody.
I'm just not real secure about it.
Well, so take the heat.
You like him, he likes you.
It's worth it.
- Is it?
- Well, isn't it?
You're right.