Ruthless People

They'll even
blackmail St.Peter

They'll pay any price
Stand up
Come and see
Ruthless People
Greed and evil
oh yeah

You can have it
if you want it

It might take
the rest of your life

If you want it
you can have it

Do a balancing act
on a knife

You can have it
if you want it

It fits and gets cheap
at the price

If you want it
you can have it

Despite your sweet soul
and your lies

Ruthless People
Ruthless People
Carol, did I ever tell you
why I married her?

Yes, Sam, you told me
many, many--

Her father was
very, very rich...

and very, very sick.
The doctors assured me
he'd be dead any minute.

There wasn't
a second to lose.

I rushed right out and
married the boss's daughter.

He was so sick!
It was like the angel of death
was sittin' in the room with him,

watchin' the clock.
They pulled the plug
on him.

He wheezed and shook
for about an hour.

And then...
