- You gotta fix your bitch, Boyle.
- Shit on your paper!
(BoyIe) Good morning.
l've had it!
l cannot live like this no more!
- Hey, Nancy, hi. lt's Richard. Listen...
- Richard who?
Boyle. Richard Boyle. Yeah. Listen, l think
it's gonna blow in El Salvador real soon.
lf you could get me a new press card and
two grand, l could get some good stuff.
- No way.
- OK. Well, how about a new press card?
- Forget it.
- Come on, Nancy. Please, man.
We've had it with you. We gave you $2500
on that Lebanon gig and you ended up...
l can't take Muslim nightlife, OK?
- Hey, Alice. How you doin'?
- You Iose tickets, passports.
You drink too much and you're
a generaI embarrassment, BoyIe.
l get you the piece. How about that thing
on the lRA tortured by the Brits in Belfast?
And how about Cambodia?
The last man out, you know.
Sidney Schanberg was having cocktails
at the Plaza. l was gettin' my ass kicked.
How about freezin' my fuckin' nuts off
for you guys in the Khyber Pass?
l got giardia. l was staple-gunned
to the toilet for a week.
- How about EI SaIvador?
- How about El Salvador? How about it?
- Didn't l call that one?
- BoyIe...
- Hey, come on.
- Come on what? Get the fuck outta here.
Not you. Nancy? Nancy, l'm sorry.
Nancy? Nice work, you piece of...
Thanks for my camera,
but l need another favour.
I gotta be at the airport
in an hour for Beirut.
Look, this is serious.
l need one for old times' sake.
You gotta give me 500 bucks
to go to El Salvador. 400 if...
- They'II kiII you if you go back.
- l need the money, not a lecture.
OK. 300 bucks.
I'II meet you at Pan Am in 40 minutes.
Great! Here, take the quarter.
ln such a fuckin' hurry.
Mr Boyle, your licence has been revoked.