- You remember me from the party?
- l do.
l'm sorry. l had actually written
two articles about you in Cambodia,...
..just before the fall of Phnom Penh.
l was the last American journalist out.
Schanberg was chasing his Pulitzer prize.
l was almost getting cholera but we saved
1 100 refugees from the Khmer Rouge.
- Terrible what they did to Cambodia.
- Yes, sir. lt was.
Were you one of the people writin'
'em up as the good guys for a while?
Yes, sir. l'm afraid l was wrong on
that one. But a lot of people were.
lf these guys in the hills took power, the
Pol Pot incident would look like a picnic.
Are they as bad as Major Max
and the Mano Blanca?
l don't know. We got
a pathological killer on the Right,...
..God knows what on the Left,
and a gutless middle.
Anyway, Boyle, about your problem here.
Carol checked with the National Guard,
the police, the regular army.
Nobody seems to know
anything about this boy. We think...
With respect, Ambassador, they're lying.
He didn't just disappear. Nobody just
disappears in El Salvador. They got him.
- Have you checked with Human Rights?
- The Human Rights Office?!
They rearranged this kid's molecules
and they took their time!
He is dying out there while
we're talking. He's just a kid!
- He's just a kid!
- Richard...
- Richard, please calm down.
- l'm sorry.
Ambassador, look. His sister is
my girlfriend. She's on the shit list.
l gotta get a ceduIa for her. They could
come tonight, take her away and kill her!
Richard, Richard!
That doesn't have anything to do with us.
You know the laws of this country. She's
gonna have to go back to her home town.
- Where's she from?
- Morazan. She can't get near there.
lf she does, the guards'll kill her
as a suspected G. Fuck!
All right. l'll do the best
l can, but it's very tough.
There are thousands of people in this
predicament. Everybody wants a ceduIa.
Let me ask you this.