
We could have a family together.
Duglas, Reina, you and me...

- And Carlos, what about him?
- And Carlos too, when we find him. ? Si?

- You already have a wife.
- No, no. That's been over for six months.

l got a divorce. l never told you.
- (man) Hi, Boyle!
- Just a second.

- Hey, Peter.
- Atlanta's gonna give you a shot!

- No!
- lf you fuck up this time...

Not a chance. That's great, Peter. Thanks.
Right. Well, l want
some real stuff on the Gs.

- Sure you're set with Alvarez?
- We're like this.

OK. You got a camera, the crew and
the Arena press conference tomorrow.

- Right. Major Max.
- He's gonna declare for president.

l'm going to Venezuela,
so you'll have to cover for me.

That's great! Listen, could you
lend me 50 bucks, man? l'm a little low.

You don't change, do you, Boyle?
Let's see what we've got here...
Get out of it!

- 200 of them. You owe me.
- 200 coIones.

- Out of my own pocket...
- Right.

- no whores.
- OK.

- Do a good job, Boyle. See ya.
- You're a mensch. You're great.

- Entonces, ? si o no?
- No.

? Por que no, mi amor?
- Soy una mujer catoIica.
- So what?

- l can't marry a divorced man.
- Oh, God!

And you, Richard,
are a bad Catholic in all ways.

How am l a bad Catholic?
- You're living in sin.
- No, no, no, l'm not.

- You drink.
- OK, once in a while l drink.

You sleep with many women.
- You smoke marijuana.
- That was Rock's.

And you lie. You scheme and scam.
What is good or decent about you?
What redemption can you expect?
Well, none, l guess, but look...
OK, you got a point.

l am a fuckin' weasel, there's no doubt.
But think about this.

lf l went to church - l haven't been in 30
years - but if l went and took confession...

lf we took Communion together...
redemption. That would be great.

We could go to Archbishop Romero.
He likes me very much.

l could become a lay Catholic worker.
lt'd be wonderful. l could get a basket...

l feel good about this. This redemption
thing is good. l feel cleansed already.
