Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Can you tell me
where the naval base is in Alameda?

Hello, we are looking
for the nuclear vessels in Alameda.

- Can you help us?
- Where is the Alameda naval base?

- Where are the nuclear vessels?
- Across the bay in Alameda.

That's what I said, Alameda.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, would you mind
stopping that noise?

Excuse me, would you mind
stopping that damn noise?

- Admiral, may I ask you a question?
- Don't call me Admiral.

You used to call me Jim.
What's your question?

Your use of language
has altered since our arrival.

It is currently laced
with more colourful metaphors.

- "Double dumb-ass on you."
- The profanity?

That's the way they talk. Nobody pays
any attention unless you swear.

- Look at the literature of the period.
- For example?

The works of Jacqueline Susann.
The novels of Harold Robbins.

"The Giants".
