Now we ask your blessing on Rodrigo
as we welcome him into our community.
Teach him to be generous,
to labor and not to count the cost...
...to serve with no reward,
save the doing of your will.
Welcome home, brother.
This seeking to create
a paradise on earth...
... how easily it offends.
Your Holiness is offended...
... because it may distract from
that paradise which comes hereafter.
The Spanish and Portuguese kings
are offended...
... because a paradise of the poor
is seldom pleasing to those who rule.
And the settlers here are offended
for the same reason.
So it was this burden I carried
to South America:
To satisfy the Portuguese wish
to enlarge their empire...
... to satisfy the Spanish desire that
this would do them no harm...
... to satisfy Your Holiness...
... that these monarchs would threaten
no more the power of the church...
... and to ensure for you all...
... that the Jesuits here could no longer
deny you these satisfactions.
I've spent half my life
waiting for Rome.
Stop playing with that.
- What time is it?
- Calm down.
Ten to.