Your Holiness, the little matterthat brought me here is now settled.
The Indians are once more free to be enslavedby the Spanish and Portuguese settlers.
I don't think that's hittingthe right note. Begin again.
Your Holiness, I write to youin this year of our Lord 1758...
...from the southern continent of theAmericas, from the town of Asunción...
...two weeks' march fromthe great mission of San Miguel.
These missions have protected the Indiansfrom the depredations of the settlers...
... and have earned much resentmentbecause of it.
The noble souls of these Indiansincline towards music.
Indeed, many a violin playedin the academies of Rome...
... have been madeby their nimble and gifted hands.
It was from these missions the Jesuitfathers carried the word of God...
... to those Indians stillexisting in their natural state...
... and received in return... martyrdom.