Don Cabeza, how can you possibly
refer to this child as an animal?
A parrot can be taught to sing,
Your Eminence.
Yes, but how does one teach it
to sing as melodiously as this?
Your Eminence.
This is a child of the jungle,
an animal with a human voice.
If it were human,
an animal would cringe at its vices.
These creatures
are lethal and lecherous.
They have to be subdued by the sword
and brought to labor by the whip.
What they say is sheer nonsense.
Father Gabriel, of the mission of
San Carlos, from which the boy comes.
And that is where?
That is here.
Above the falls, in Spanish territory.
No, that is territory which used
to be Spanish. Now it's Portuguese.
- That is for His Eminence to decide.
- No, that is a state matter.
It was decided by the Treaty of Madrid
and concluded by Spain and Portugal.
But surely the missions will remain
under church protection?
That is what His Eminence
is here to decide, Father Gabriel.
Continue, Father.
Your Eminence, below the falls,
the jungle, if it has to be divided...
...may be divided between
the Spanish and Portuguese.
But above the falls, it still
belongs to God and the Guarani.
There's no one else there.
And they are not naturally animals.