- Hey, Maverick?. Hear about lce?
- What's that?
- He won another one.
- Really?.
I fell the need ...
the need for speed.
This is hop 19. Multiple aircraft, multiple
bogeys. Your training is halfover.
The competltion for the trophy
remains tight. Firstplace, lceman.
Second, Maverick, two points behind.
There they are. Three miles, 10 o'clock.
I see them. Two A-4s.
Left 10 o'clock level. Continue left turn.
- Good morning. The temperature is 1 10.
- Viper's up here? Great. Oh, shit.
He's probably saying,
"Holy shit, it's Maverick and Goose."
- I've got my eye on the northern bogey.
- Roger, I've got the southern guy.
Hollywood, you lead. I'll cover you.
Break now, Jester.
We're losing Viper.
Let's just stay on Jester.