- Good morning. The temperature is 1 10.
- Viper's up here? Great. Oh, shit.
He's probably saying,
"Holy shit, it's Maverick and Goose."
- I've got my eye on the northern bogey.
- Roger, I've got the southern guy.
Hollywood, you lead. I'll cover you.
Break now, Jester.
We're losing Viper.
Let's just stay on Jester.
- Goose, find Viper. He's out there.
- Stay with Hollywood.
- There's Viper. Three o'clock low.
- We're Hollywood's cover.
- Don't you leave me.
- Hollywood, you're looking good.
I'm going after Viper.
- Goddamn you!
- Don't leave him.
Hollywood's okay. I want Viper.
Viper's coming down.
Holy shit. We're head-to-head.