I think I'll go straight to the home.
Like the kid said, relax and enjoy life.
And I guess I'll go straight to the hotel.
Finally get a good night's sleep
without hearing you snore.
Me, snore?
Yeah, you snore.
- How come you never said anything?
- I didn't wanna hurt your feelings.
You grind your teeth. I'm surprised
they're not stumps by now.
I sure won't miss
your scratchy old records.
And I can do without
your barbells clanking all day.
- So long, Harry.
- So long, Arch.
I don't want you playing favourites
with these guys. Understand?
I don't care how great you think
they are. They're criminals, felons.
- You treat them like any other case.
- Yes, sir.
First sign of trouble, you violate them.
Send them back to the pen.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, sir.
And get rid of the headlines.
This is a probation office, not a shrine.
- Hello, officer.
- What are you doing, bud?
I'm waiting for a bird to sing.
I guess you didn't see that sign
over there that says "No loitering".
Well, loitering is lingering
without a purpose.
I got a purpose.
- You gonna give me trouble, Mac?
- No, sir.
Now, move it,
before I arrest you and the bird.