It won't be so bad, Harry.
I'll be visiting you all the time.
We'll have some laughs.
Go to Mickey's for a drink.
Pick up some broads. Huh?
I'm afraid that's not going
to be possible either.
- We can't pick up broads?
- No, no.
Because of your past relationship,
you won't be allowed to associate.
Look, guys, you're ex-cons.
You can't see each other
for three years.
I'm sorry, but those are the rules.
Three years. He's nuts!
They let us associate
for 30 years in prison.
Poles never stopped us.
Well, what are we going
to do now, Harry?
I think I'll go straight to the home.
Like the kid said, relax and enjoy life.
And I guess I'll go straight to the hotel.
Finally get a good night's sleep
without hearing you snore.
Me, snore?
Yeah, you snore.
- How come you never said anything?
- I didn't wanna hurt your feelings.
You grind your teeth. I'm surprised
they're not stumps by now.
I sure won't miss
your scratchy old records.
And I can do without
your barbells clanking all day.
- So long, Harry.
- So long, Arch.
I don't want you playing favourites
with these guys. Understand?
I don't care how great you think
they are. They're criminals, felons.
- You treat them like any other case.
- Yes, sir.
First sign of trouble, you violate them.
Send them back to the pen.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, sir.
And get rid of the headlines.
This is a probation office, not a shrine.