Greetings, good people.
Allow me to introduce myself.
I am Loki, the magnificent.
This gentleman is Thor, the god
of thunder, the roisterous...
That'll do.
We're staying here tonight.
- We haven't much food to offer...
- Don't worry.
- I'll kill one of my goats.
- We could make a...
But isn't that unfair
on the poor goat?
Don't worry. He's used to it.
Are you really the mighty Thor?
Why are you sulking, Roskva?
He can't just kill the goat like that.
Of course he can.
He's a god. He protects us
from sorcery and giants.
He is a mighty warrior.
He is strong.
Take this, and that, you monster!
And now, the final blow!
So you give up, huh?
Victory is mine!
Tjalfe, the mighty cow slayer.
You wait and see.
Children, come in here.