
Don't worry. He's used to it.
Are you really the mighty Thor?
Why are you sulking, Roskva?
He can't just kill the goat like that.
Of course he can.
He's a god. He protects us
from sorcery and giants.

He is a mighty warrior.
He is strong.

Take this, and that, you monster!
And now, the final blow!
So you give up, huh?
Victory is mine!

Tjalfe, the mighty cow slayer.
You wait and see.
Children, come in here.
The meat is tender.
Eat as much as you like -

- but don't break the bones.
Throw them onto the skin afterwards.
Tomorrow, when I spin
my hammer above them -

- the skin and bones
will come to life again.

Here's a great story.
Once I was out fishing,
I caught a gigantic fish.

Unfortunately, it got away.
But it wasn't my fault.

Me and Hymer the giant
went out on the vast sea -

- that surrounds the world
to catch the Midgard Serpent.

For hook I used an anchor,
and as bait an ox head.
