The meat is tender.
Eat as much as you like -
- but don't break the bones.
Throw them onto the skin afterwards.
Tomorrow, when I spin
my hammer above them -
- the skin and bones
will come to life again.
Here's a great story.
Once I was out fishing,
I caught a gigantic fish.
Unfortunately, it got away.
But it wasn't my fault.
Me and Hymer the giant
went out on the vast sea -
- that surrounds the world
to catch the Midgard Serpent.
For hook I used an anchor,
and as bait an ox head.
...just when I was about to land it.
Hymer, that big, fat coward.
The Midgard Serpent
got away, of course.
I should have known better
than to go fishing with a giant.