When the Wind Blows

- You just said we couldn't go to the toilet.
- Oh. Yes.

Er... Well er... Yeah, well,
Now, we'd better not cross our bridges
till we come to them, eh?

Look on the bright side, eh, ducks?
Six, five, zero, zero, six, ten...
It says here,
"Two pints of water per person per day."

I wonder if we've got enough bottles.
I'll have a look under the stairs, dear.
I've measured the water into the bottles, James.
I've labelled them so we don't get in a muddle.
Oh, good. That's nice, dear.
You're very efficient in a national emergency,

Get on with you!
It says here, "D: Miscellaneous:
Salt, tomato ketchup and sauces,
pepper, matches, toilet paper, disinfectant,
vitamin tablets,

tin opener, knives, forks, spoons."
Funny. No plates.
- What's all that, dear?
- I don't know.

It's called "miscellaneous." Pass it in, please.
- Funny.
- What, dear?

In the governmental leaflet, it says,
"Remove thin materials from windows."

And in the County Council leaflet, it says,
"Hang white sheets in the windows."

I wonder which is correct.
Oh! It says peanut butter.
We haven't got any. Oh, dear.
- Never mind, ducks. I don't like it, nor do you.
- No, but it's on the official list.

Oh, dear.
Now, don't worry, love.
I expect we'll survive without it.
It'll probably go runny in the heat, anyway.
You get terrific heat with these bombs,
you know.

Mind you, diet is very important.
