When the Wind Blows

It may prejudice our chance of survival.
What do you mean, James?
We have survived, haven't we?

Yes, I know. But after the bombs on Japan,
people died ages later.

I... forget exactly why.
Perhaps they didn't take precautions.
Yes. I expect they neglected to do
the correct thing and...

Oh, and anyway, that was years ago.
Science was in its infancy.
We're better equipped to deal with the situation
in the light of modern scientific knowledge.

Oh, yes. Nowadays, there's bound to be all sorts
of anditotes and protectives.

When the medics get through, they'll probably
just spray us with some anditote,

give us a couple of pills, and in no time,
we'll be as right as rain.

I'm glad we moved to the country
when you retired, dear.

Yes. Much more peaceful.
If we'd still been in London,
we'd probably have been bombed out by now.

Yes. Unless we'd been evacuated.
Oh, that was only children.
And women too, of course.

I'd have been requisitioned
for essential war work.

But you're far too old.
You're retired.
Yes, but all age groups
are pressed into emergency service

during times of national emergency, dear.
- I'd have been an air-raid warden.
Or a stretcher bearer for the Red Cross...
...and St John's Ambulance Brigade,
or a fireman in the docks.

Jerry up above, fire bombs raining down.
Up the turntable ladder.
Carrying women to safety.
Trust you to think of that, James.
I wish we had neighbours.
I'd like to ask someone what's going on.
