This didn't happen. There was
no limo, no woman, no sunroof--
That's disgusting.
I'm ashamed to know you. How do you
get women to do these things?
As you know by now, Yakamoto has
agreed to entrust the management...
...of all his personal
and corporate assets to us.
No small thanks
to the efforts of Harry Gruen.
I'm sure Mr. Yakamoto's
confidence in us...
...will increase with the lethal charm
you'll all exude tonight.
A word of caution.
He's very traditional.
Old-fashioned ideas about women.
Wives must follow certain rules.
Can't speak until spoken to, don't sit
until he does, all that crap.
...he keeps a stable of concubines
you wouldn't believe.
...this is a very old-world guy.
So watch yourselves, and keep
your wives away from the mai tais.
Okay, a few facts
about the man. Denny...
...show us Yakamoto's
holdings for '85.
Damn. Spreadsheets are still printing.
Machine's been down.
Okay, forget it.
Walter, let's have your report.
Yakamoto Worldwide has shown almost
recession-proof capabilities.
Even in a disastrous third quarter...
...his fish oil conglomerate...
...bolstered his net worth
by some 27% .