"You know what really make me mad,
though, is afterwards, right?
"You done all the shitting you
gonna do for the whole day, right?
"You finish shitting and you flush
the toilet and wait a second
"and one chunk come back.
"What does that chunk want?"
That was my act.
My mother sit there shocked.
lf you don't speak English,
you can't hear that bit.
All you hear is "shit, ass, shit, shit."
I got a lot of foreigners
that come over.
People from other countries have seen
my films and come over to the U.S.,
because New York
is a tourist place,
and they get HBO
and they catch Delirious
and they can't speak English
and try to do my act
and all they got is the curses.
I got foreigners from all over
walking up, going:
"Eddie Murphy! Fuck you!
"Fuck you, Eddie.
"I know you. I see you on television.
"You're the 'fuck you' man, right?
"I love it. Suck my dick, huh?
"Suck it, you black motherfucker.
"I love it. The best motherfucker.
The 'fuck you' man."
Made me stay in the house, man.
Almost got married last year.
Don't you "ooh" and "aah".
Got to get married in the '80s.
I read the papers.
I said, "Fuck this, I'm getting out."
Hey, you know, read.
You can catch some shit.
You can't just keep messing around
like you used to.
Eventually, your dick will fall off.
Remember...? Remember, like,
VD in the '60s?
That shit don't just sting no more.
Every time they cure something,
it come back stronger.
VD is new and improved now.
They got dudes in the doctor's office
with symptoms like, "Excuse me, doc,
"what does it mean when you
go to the bathroom
"and fire shoot out your dick?"
"Let me get this right.
So you're getting a burning sensation
"when you urinate?"