"Are we gonna go too far?"
"I want it to go too far.
Come on now, baby."
"We could... Stop.
I just don't think the time is right."
"Well, my dick don't get
much harder than this.
"I been waiting three months.
What's the problem?"
"I don't wanna fuck.
I wanna make love.
"I've had too many relationships that
didn't work out. You're special to me.
"I know all the girls do everything
that you want.
"And I don't wanna go through...
Why are you doing this...?"
And men see those tears
and we be, "OK.
"We don't have to do nothing."
Then you go out and your friends be,
"Yo, man, you fuck her yet?"
"Why not?"
"She's special.
"She said she don't wanna fuck,
she wanna make love."
Which is bullshit. I mean, fucking
and making love, let's be real.
I mean, the physical act...
I like to fuck somebody I'm in love with.
But I ain't making love to nobody.
I get into bed...
I get into bed...
I get into bed...
When you get into bed, would you
rather have somebody say:
"Oh, make love to me"
or grab the back of your head and say,
"Fuck the shit out of me.
"You motherfucker.
"Just fuck, mother...
Fuck me, goddamn it."
You want somebody
in the bed with you:
"Oh, darling, I want to make
love to you." That type of shit.
"You a motherfucker..."
I'm a realist. But they'll tell you, "I don't
wanna fuck, I wanna make love."
And they make you wait. And you wait
and wait and wait and wait.
And you just keep on waiting, you just
wait and finally she gives you some.
And it's the best
you ever had in your life.
You come harder
than you've ever came.
"This was it. This was the feeling I've
been searching for. I finally made love."
You didn't make love.
lt just felt real good. You know why?