"Stop making them dick threats."
The woman's favorite...
Y'all always make...
The woman's favorite threat is,
"I'll do something to your dick."
"lf a man do this, I kick him in his nuts.
A man put his hands...
"Don't you put your hands on me,
I'm gonna kick you where it hurts."
Dick threats. Y'all don't realize
how sensitive nuts are, do you?
Men don't like to hear a threat like that.
You hear somebody:
"I'll kick you in the nuts."
lt make you wince, be like:
"Change the subject, please."
You don't have to kick
no nuts to hurt nobody.
You could just graze nuts.
And the man would be fucked up.
And that pain is worse, because
it don't set in for, like, ten seconds.
You be wondering if it's gonna hurt.
You say, "I wonder,
did that hit my nuts, just...?"
There's no getting around it.
"I'll kick you in your nuts."
You don't have to kick.
You could just graze it.
Y'all do that... You ever have
a woman play-fight with you?
Your man get serious
when they threaten your dick.
You be, "Hey, baby, come on."
And she go:
You say, "Hey, hey, hey.
"I think playtime is over.
"Getting a little crazy." That's why men
don't like to handle babies.
Them little babies with them
high-top white shoes on
with the real hard bottoms.
When they about 1 years old,
you pick them up
and their leg muscles be strong
and they stomp you
in the nuts with both feet.
And both of y'all be dribbling.
You be like:
And their mother think
you talking baby talk.
"Oh, that's so cute,
the way they talking."
"Yeah, go to your mother, please."
"What's the matter, he stink?"
"No, I'm about to throw
this motherfucker someplace.
"Get a little older, I'm gonna kick
you in your nuts, see how you like it."
"I kick him in his nuts." Always talking
about kicking somebody in the nuts.
You know what, ladies?
I had a woman ask me the other day:
"You know why I say my thing?
I wanna know why all men fool around.
"Why, why, why? I do everything
my man wants me to do
"and he still fools around. Why?
I cook, I clean, I fuck.
"I come and go as he says.
Why, why, why?"