And their man get real cold,
saying shit like:
"Why don't you shake your ass home."
"What are you talking about?
Why are you treating me like this?
"We have a relationship."
"You don't own me."
"What do you mean?
We have a relationship.
"I thought that we go together."
"I don't see no rings on your finger."
"But I love you!"
"Well, what have you
done for me lately?"
And y'all put up with it.
Y'all start putting up
with all kinds of crazy shit.
I guess it's hard to find
somebody that knows
how to do it to you right,
because when y'all find one,
y'all stick through that man
through all kinds of bullshit.
I know a man got busted coming
out of another woman's house.
Show you how far a woman will stoop.
He got busted coming out
of another woman's house.
His woman saw him come out,
knew that the woman lived there
and didn't say shit.
Wait till they got home and said:
"What the hell was you doing
in that bitch's house?"
You know what the man said?
"Wasn't me."
"I looked right in your face!"
"Wasn't me."
"Well, I'm supposed
to be a fool, right?"
"Wasn't me."
You know what the woman said?
"Maybe it wasn't you."
I got a friend got busted
in his house, in his bed,
where him and his wife sleep,
with another woman, fucking!
His wife walked inside the house,
opened up the bedroom door,
saw her man in her bed
with another woman, fucking.
She walks in:
The man jumped up,
saw his woman standing there.
She ran down the hallway. Chased his
woman down the hallway butt naked
with a rock-hard dick,
talking about, "I'm sorry."
This sound like a tragedy, right?
No, it was like this:
"Baby, wait, wait.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.